Norton India Round Stone File

Rating  Overall Rating 5 stars

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Item Id :21019312

Rating  Overall Rating 5 stars  (1) read review(s)

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Norton India Round Stone File

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Read 1 Customer Review(s) for Norton India Round Stone File

Overall Rating
Overall Rating 5 stars
Value for Money
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Overall Rating 5 stars
Build Quality
Overall Rating 5 stars

Paul 13/06/2013 22:23:32

Very good ½" round india stone. very easy to keep the edge on larger in-carnal gouges & to re sharpen the same. i have it sitting in a groove routed into the sharpening bench squared ends to prevent movement, this works well freehand or with a sharpening guide (if you have one to take the curvature of the gouge), it's equally good in the hand. i use 3 in 1 spray oil to carry away the swath and is stored in a box with other slip stones immersed in normal out of the tin 3 in 1 oil. i would imagine it will last for a number of years despite its regular use, lighter users would probably only have to replace if broken!

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