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Jane Twone Twin Tandem Stroller Cloud S13 - UKHomeOwners.com


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Jane Twone Twin Tandem Stroller Cloud S13

Jane Twone Twin Tandem Stroller Cloud S13

The Jané Twones new evolutionary and convertible design allows it to adapt to many different combinations you can change it from a one seater pushchair to a travel system or even a twin pushchair in just a few seconds! It offers great versatility when connecting infant car seats, carrycots and seats units that are all fitted easily thanks to the Pro Fix system. The Jané Twone is extremely compact and multifunctional, specially designed to grow with your family whether you have one child, twins or children of different ages. Personalise it however you like and youll discover many surprising combinations! In single mode it features a large shopping basket so you can carry everything you need effortlessly, a reversible seat unit so you can have your baby facing you as you walk, and smaller lighter swivel front wheels with independent suspension which are perfect for getting about on the city streets. Its compact book type folding system makes it easier to carry and store wherever you decide to take it. The Jané Twone converts to a twin by simply adding the secondary lower seat unit onto the rear wheels. This seat unit, like the front seat unit, has three different recline positions for your baby. And for different ages, or for newborn twins, you can decide on the different infant car seats and carrycots available. Available to coordinate with the Twone pushchair is the KOOS one of the lightest and most innovative infant car seat on the market and the MATRIX LIGHT 2 the safest, healthiest all in one carrycot and car seat in the world. ACCESSORIES INCLUDED Handle Bar Cover Single Raincover Double Twin Raincover Pram Bag FEATURES Pro Fix system patented locks and unlocks car seats with just one movement, eliminating the need for awkward fitting kits. Book type compact folding system. Handle brake so theres no foot operated brake pedal to threaten the toenails of sandal wearers. New lockable front swivel wheel system thats smoother and easier to control. Hei

Price:  GBP584.05 from  Kiddies Kingdom

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Kiddies Kingdom Jane Twone Twin Tandem Stroller Cloud S13 GBP584.05 Visit Store
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The Jané Twones new evolutionary and convertible design allows it to adapt to many different combinations you can change it from a one seater pushchair to a travel system or even a twin pushchair in just a few seconds! It offers great versatility wh

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Jane Twone Single Stroller Cloud S08

The Jané Twones new evolutionary and convertible design allows it to adapt to many different combinations you can change it from a one seater pushchair to a travel system or even a twin pushchair in just a few seconds! It offers great versatility wh

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Jane Twone Twin Koos Travel System Cloud S08

PACKAGE INCLUDES Jane Twone Twin Pushchair Jane Koos Car Seat x 2 JANE TWONE TWIN PUSHCHAIR The Jané Twones new evolutionary and convertible design allows it to adapt to many different combinations you can change it from a one seater pushchair to a

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