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AEG SCT71800S1 Integrated Fridge Freezer - UKHomeOwners.com


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AEG SCT71800S1 Integrated Fridge Freezer

AEG SCT71800S1 Integrated Fridge Freezer

Install this AEG SCT71800S1 Integrated Fridge Freezer to equip your home with a dedicated and effective food storage solution. Spacious fridge compartment Enjoy the flexibility of 200 litres of fresh food storage room, divided between five shelves. One is a flexi shelf, which can be reconfigured when you need to store tall or large items. Three shelves are adjustable to suit the different kinds of food you'll store. Keep jars and bottles neatly arranged using the four door balconies, while two egg racks keep your eggs safe. Cheese and butter are kept fresh in the dedicated dairy compartment, and two salad crispers help your salad and vegetables stay fresh and crunchy. Superior freezer You'll be able to store up to 78 litres of frozen food in the AEG SCT71800S1 Fridge Freezer , with three freezer drawers to help you divide different foodstuffs more effectively. Clear drawer fronts allow you to check stock levels without having to constantly open each compartment. Fast freezing technology allows you to lower freezer temperatures to the optimum level so that fresh groceries are rapidly frozen, locking goodness in ideal when you bring home your shopping. An ice cube tray allows you to always have ice blocks to hand for easy drinks chilling. Useful features The AEG SCT71800S1 features internal LED lighting in the fridge for exceptionally bright, even illumination throughout the cavity, allowing you to find what you want whenever you need it. LED lights last longer than conventional bulbs and are more energy efficient too. The fridge uses a Coolmatic function to quickly chill fresh food, preventing internal temperatures from rising when new groceries are introduced and quickly chilling fresh items. Fridge temperatures are lowered for a short time after re stocking, and the function switches off by itself. In the event of a power failure, the freezer will keep your food frozen for up to 21 hours. It's easy to use External touch controls make the AEG SCT71800S1 Fridge Freezer extremely smooth and straightforward to operate, and the LCD display clearly informs you about appliance temperatures and function status. Control fridge and freezer temperatures and conditions easily thanks to a twin thermostat, and avoid unnecessary food spoilage and energy wastage with the open door alarm, which provides aural and visual signals to alert you. Choose the AEG SCT71800S1 Integrated Fridge Freezer for a safe and practical way to keep your food fresh at home. PLEASE NOTE Use in outbuildings This refrigerator is not designed to be used in an outbuilding both your food and the appliance can be damaged. Do not use it in any unheated area. Reversible door hinges This refrigerator has a reversible door please consult with installation experts such as our Knowhow team to carry out door reversal.

Price:  GBP644.00 from  Currys

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